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User's Guide
Copywright (c) 1992 Mike Manning
Table of Contents:
Registration Form ...................................................... i
Liscense ...............................................................ii
Introduction ........................................................... 1
Install Notes .......................................................... 2
Menu System ............................................................ 3
Display ................................................................ 5
Files .................................................................. 5
Folders ................................................................ 8
Icons .................................................................. 9
Keyboard ...............................................................11
Mouse ..................................................................13
Windows ................................................................14
Disk Functions .........................................................15
Help ...................................................................16
Registration Form:
If, after 30 days, you find this product useful, Please register
with the author. A lot of time and effort is required to maintain
and distrubute Mcshell. Your donation will help offset the costs.
Plus you will receive free technical support for 1 year and will be
put on our mailing list for future updates and support products.
Thank You.
Mike Manning
4900 Montee Road
Theodore, AL 36582
(205) 973-1041
* Money order........We normally ship within 48 hours
* Check..............Allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery
McShell Qty 1-4 ___ 0% $30.00 $_______
5-9 ___ 20% 24.00 _______
10-49 ___ 25% 22.00 _______
50-99 ___ 30% 20.00 _______
100+ ___ 50% 15.00 _______
*Quantity orders require additional shipping. Please
add $2.50 for each additional set.
SUBTOTAL: $_______
Standard shipping and handling $5.00 $ 5.00
Orders outside US & Canada add $7.50 per item $_______
TOTAL: $_______
[] Money order [] check (US funds, US bank)
Name _______________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________
City _____________________ State_____ Zip_________
Country ___________________ Phone (____)_____-________
What type of floppy disk? [] 5-1/4" [] 3-1/2"
What type of computer do you have? ____________________
Amount of RAM? _____________
Liscense Page ii
You may copy and distribute McShell freely in its original, un-modified
form. You may not reverse engineer, dis-assemble or modify any of the
files on the program disk before or after they have been installed. You
may however compress the files on this disk so long as all the files that
were contained on the original disk are distributed with McShell. You may
recover the cost of the media it is distributed on. We are not responsible
for any costs incurred in the distribution of this program.
Since some of the features of this software involve deleting, copying,
and moving files around on your system, We have tested this software, and
where possible, installed safeguards to prevent accidental deleting of
files. However, even with these safeguards, a user can still make mistakes
as with any operating system.
No warranties are made, either expressed or implied, with respect to the
fitness of this software for a particular purpose. Distributors and dealers
will not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential
damages resulting from the use of this software.
Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential
damages, so the above exclusions may not apply to you.
All trademarks are acknowledged.
Introduction: Page 1
McShell is a Graphical User Interface designed to make your PC easier
to operate. You are provided with Icons representing different disk drives,
directories and files on your system. It's a great disk organizing tool
that lets you drag and drop files and entire directories to other
places on your disks. You can copy, rename, move and delete any file or
directory on any disk drive at any time. You can also run programs just by
double clicking on their Icon. McShell is a Windowed operating system.
Directories are displayed as a window with Icons representing all the
files and subdirectories contained therein. You can open several windows
viewing different directories at the same time. You can associate files to
their application and open it in the application's work area by clicking on
it's Icon. You can also create Icons on the desktop for quick access to an
application. You can rename directories or files by clicking on their name
just beneath their Icon and typing in the newname. But BEST of all,
McShell is ShareWare!
Install Notes: Page 2
If you downloaded McShell from a BBS or have a shareware disk:
Create a directory called "MCSHELL".
Un-Arc McShell into that directory.
Copy the file "CONSOLE.SYS" to the root directory of
your boot drive.
Include the command "DEVICE=CONSOLE.SYS" in your config.sys
Include the command "LASTDRIVE=D" in your config.sys file.
** Where "D" is the last logical drive in your system **
Restart your system.
Change to the "MCSHELL" directory and type "GO".
If you have a PROGRAM DISK:
Insert the disk into the A: drive. Type A: and press
<ENTER>. If the drive is not A:, type B: and press <ENTER>.
When the DOS Prompt appears, type INSTALL C: and press
<ENTER>. If you wish to install on another drive use that
designation instead of C:.
The install program modifys the autoexec.bat and config.sys files on your
boot drive. If you do not wish to have these files modified, You can
manually install McShell by typing the following:
Include the following in your config.sys file:
NOTE: For McShell to communicate properly with your system, this
statment MUST! be included in your config.sys file.
If you made a copy of the McShell directory from someone's hard drive:
Be sure you have the file "console.sys"
Before running McShell delete the files mcs.cfg and mcs.def!
These files contain the configuration of the system that McShell
was last installed on and may not match yours! If you do not
delete these files before running McShell it may crash or print
garbage on your screen!
Menu System: Page 3
The Menu System consist's of a Bar Menu and several Pulldown Menus.
You access the menu system by pressing <ALT>+ the first letter of the Menu
title on the menu bar, or by clicking on a title with the mouse. Here are
the titles on the menu bar and the options they ring forward in the pull
down menus:
DeskTop File Utilities Special Quit Help
The Desktop Menu:
Display Setup Opens the Display Setup dialog box.
Calculator Opens the Calculator box.
Close All Closes all open windows.
Define DeskTop Icon Opens the Icon dialog box.
The Files Menu:
Edit Opens the Edit File dialog box.
View Opens the View File dialog box.
Copy Opens the Copy File dialog box
Move Opens the Move File dialog box.
Delete Opens the Delete File dialog box.
Print Opens the Print File dialog box.
Associate Opens the Associate File dialog box.
The Utilities Menu:
New Folder Opens the New Folder dialog box.
Copy Folder Opens the Copy Folder dialog box.
Move Folder Opens the Move Folder dialog box.
Copy Disk Opens the Copy Disk system window.
Format disk Opens the Format Disk system window.
The Special Menu:
Copy Mode Selects Copy File mode.
Move Mode Selects Move File mode.
File List Filter Opens the File List Filter dialog box.
Large Icons Displays Large Icons in windows.
Small Icons Displays Small Icons in windows.
System Info Opens System Info dialog box.
Menu System: (continued) Page 4
The Quit Menu:
Exit McShell Quits the program.
Continue Continues running the program.
The Help Menu:
Help on Help Opens Help dialog box.
Help Index Opens Help Index dialog box.
Keyboard Help Opens Keyboard Help dialog box.
About McShell Diaplays Copyright and Version Info.
The Bar Menu also contains an Icon. It's called the Mode Icon. This
Icon represents the file transfer mode used when draging file icons between
windows. If there are two disks on the Menu Bar you are in File Copy Mode.
If there is only one, then you are in File Move mode. You select the file
transfer mode by choosing Copy or Move from the Special Menu.
Display: Page 5
McShell Supports EGA 640x350, and VGA 640x480 display modes. Colors
are selected by opening the Display Color dialog box. You will find this
option in the DeskTop Menu on the Menu Bar. You can change the colors of
the DeskTop, Menu Bar, and Window attributes to any of 16 foreground and 16
background colors. See the instructions below for information on how to
use the Display Colors dialog box.
1. Use the <SHIFT + UP> or <SHIFT + DOWN> keys to
select the item to change.
2. Use the <SHIFT + LEFT> or <SHIFT + RIGHT> keys to
select the new color for selected item.
3. Press <ENTER> to save changes or <ESC> to abort.
NOTE: If <NUMLOCK> is on you do not need to use the
<SHIFT +> key combination. Just use the arrow
McShell provides a number of ways to organize your file system. You
can use the menus and dialog boxes to copy or move files or you can use the
mouse to drag and drop them where you want. See the instructions below and
on the next few pages for information on how to do this:
MOVE MODE: (for moving files)
Select "Move Mode" from the "Special" menu. The Icon
on the Menu Bar will change to a single disk with an
arrow on the right.
COPY MODE: (for copying files)
Select "Copy Mode" from the "Special" menu. The Icon
on the Menu Bar will change to a double disk with an
arrow in the center.
Files (continued) Page 6
There are two ways to copy files. Use the mouse to drag
the file to it's destination, or use the "Files" menu to
select the "Copy Files" dialog box.
"Destination" is another open window or the trash icon!
1. Type the path of the source file in the first box.
2. Press <TAB>
3. Type the path of the destination file in the second
4. Press <ENTER>
You can copy a single file, or multiple files using
There are two ways to move files. Use the mouse to drag
the file to it's destination, or use the "Files" menu to
select the "Move Files" dialog box.
"Destination" is another open window or the trash icon!
1. Type the path of the source file in the first box.
2. Press <TAB>
3. Type the path of the destination file in the second
4. Press <ENTER>
You can move a single file, or multiple files using
1. Use the arrow keys to select a file or type the name
of the file in the prompt box.
2. Press <ENTER> to edit file or <ESC> to abort.
You may use wildcards to limit selection of files.
Simply type the wildcard in the prompt box and
Press <ENTER>. Then select as before.
Files (continued) Page 7
1. Use the arrow keys to select a file or type the name
of the file in the prompt box.
2. Press <ENTER> to view file or <ESC> to abort.
You may use wildcards to limit selection of files.
Simply type the wildcard in the prompt box and
Press <ENTER>. Then select as before.
1. Use the arrow keys to select a file or type the name
of the file in the prompt box.
2. Press <TAB>
3. Use arrow keys to select Printer Port.
4. Press <ENTER> to print file or <ESC> to abort.
You may use wildcards to limit selection of files.
Simply type the wildcard in the prompt box and
Press <ENTER>. Then select as before.
1. Type the path of the file to delete.
2. Press <ENTER>
You can use wildcards to delete a range of files.
ASSOCIATE FILE ** Runs program with associated file **
1. Type the program name in the first box, Press <TAB>.
2. Type the extension of the file to associate with the
program, ".ext" in the second box, Press <ENTER>
The next time you double-click an icon with this extension
the associated program will run.
NOTE: A path to the directory where the program resides must
be declared in the autoexec.bat file!
To rename a file or folder just double-click on the
"name" of the icon and type in the new name!
Folders Page 8
McShell provides a number of ways to organize your file system. You
can use the menus and dialog boxes to copy or move folders or you can use
the mouse to drag and drop them where you want. See the instructions below
and on the next few pages for information on how to do this:
1. Type the path of the source folder in the first box.
2. Press <TAB>
3. Type the path of the destination folder in the second
4. Press <ENTER>
All files in the source folder will be copied to
the new folder.
1. Type the path of the source folder in the first box.
2. Press <TAB>
3. Type the path of the destination folder in the second
4. Press <ENTER>
All files in the source folder will be moved to
the new folder.
1. Type the path of the folder to remove.
All files in the folder will be removed and the
folder will be removed. If the folder contains
subdirs, they will remain in tact and the folder
will not be removed.
1. Type the name of the folder to be created.
2. Press <ENTER> to create the folder or <ESC> to
The folder will be created in the directory
represented by the top window. You do not need
to type the path for the folder. Just the name.
Icons: Page 9
Add: Simply select <Ok> to proceed to the next
dialog box.
Edit: 1. Select the Icon to edit from the list box.
2. Select the "<>Edit" Button, Select <Ok>.
Delete: 1. Select the Icon to delete from the list box.
2. Select <Ok>.
"Path:" is the directory where your program resides.
"Program File:" is the name of the program to run.
"Icon File:" is the name of the file containing the
image displayed as an icon.
"Icon Name:" is the name you give to the Icon that will be
displayed on-screen.
Used to delete files when a mouse is present. If you
drag an object such as a folder or a file over the Trash
Icon that object will be deleted.
The Trash Icon, like the disk Icons, can be moved
anywhere on the desktop. Just Click and hold the Icon
while draging it to its new location.
Disk Icons represent the disk drives on your system.
If you double-click on one, a window will open representing
the root folder for that drive. Multiple root folders can
be opened from a single drive. This allows you to access
multiple paths on a drive at the same time. Like the Trash
Icon, the Disk Icons can be moved anywhere on the desktop.
Just Click and hold the Icon while draging it to its new
A Folder Icon represents a subdirectory in the current
directory. If you double-click on one, a window will open
representing that folder. You can copy or move the folder
by draging it over another window or delete it by dragging
it over the trash Icon.
Icons: (continued) Page 10
MODE ICON: This is the Icon on the Menu Bar. It repres-
ents the Copy or Move mode for dragging objects. One disk
followed by an arrow means you are in "MOVE" mode. Anything
you drag will be moved to its destination and the original
will be removed. Two disks with an arrow in the center
means you are in "COPY" mode. Anything you drag will be
copied to its destination and the original is left in tact.
File Icons represent the files on your system.
EXE files are blue, COM files are red, and BAT files are
tan. If you double-click on one of these, the program
it represents will be executed. All other files are
represented by a sheet of folder paper. If you double-
click on one, a window will open letting you view it's
contents. All files can be dragged, ie.. copied, moved
or deleted.
The default configuration for All Icons in a window is
large. If you would like to view the files with details
Select "Small Icons" from the "Special" menu. All Icons
in the current window will be changed, and will stay that
way until you change them or close the window.
The standard Icon size is large. Fewer details about
the files they represent are available, but locating
a file is easier from this view.
Keyboard: Page 11
<CTRL+V> access disk drives <TAB> shift window to top
<CTRL+O> open window icon <ARROWS> scroll active object
<CTRL+X> exit McShell <PAGEUP> pages active window
<ESC> close window <PAGEDN> pages active window
Keyboard commands vary depending on the object you are
working with. See the Help Index for further information
on specific topics.
<TAB> Switch Windows <UARROW> Scroll Window Up
<ESC> Close Window <DARROW> Scroll Window Down
<ENTER> Execute Object <RARROW> Scroll Window Left
<PGUP> Page Window Up <LARROW> Scroll Window Right
<PGDOWN> Page Window Down <CTRL+RARROW> Page Right
<CTRL+O> Open Object <CTRL+LARROW> Page Left
<CTRL+Z> Zoom,UnZoom Window
<CTRL+R> Resize Window
<CTRL+M> Move Window
<ESC> Close Dialog Box <SH+LARROW> Prev Color Button
<TAB> Switch Promt Box <SH+RARROW> Next Color Button
<ENTER> Execute Options <ALT+O> "Ok" Button
<PGDOWN> Page List Down <ALT+C> "Cancel" Button
<PGUP> Page List Up <ALT+H> "Help" Button
<DARROW> Scroll List Down
<UARROW> Scroll List Up
<SH+UARROW> Prev Radio Button
<SH+DARROW> Next Radio Button
<CTRL+X> Exit McShell
<CTRL+V> Enter "Drive Select" Mode
<UARROW> Select Prev Disk Drive in "Drive Select" Mode
<DARROW> Select Next Disk Drive in "Drive Select" Mode
<ENTER> Open Root Folder of Selected Drive
<ESC> Cancel "Drive Select" Mode
Keyboard: (continued) Page 12
<ALT+D> DeskTop Menu <ESC> Close Menu
<ALT+F> File Menu
<ALT+U> Utilities Menu
<ALT+S> Special Menu
<ALT+Q> Quit Menu
<ALT+H> Help Menu
<LARROW> Prev Menu When Active
<RARROW> Next Menu When Active
<ENTER> Execute Selected Menu Item
<+> Add <m> Memory +
<-> Subtract <M> Memory -
<*> Multiply <c> Clear
</> Divide <C> Clear Memory
<%> Percent <R> Recall Memory
<\> Square root <e> Clear entry
<=> Equal <ENTER> Equal
Mouse: Page 13
DRAG OBJECT: Click = Press Left Mouse Button
Click on the object, hold the button down while moving
the object to desired location, release button.
If the destination for the object is invalid, the object
will return to it's original position, and in some cases
a message will appear explaining why the event was
1. Click the left button on the desired Bar Menu Item.
2. Click the left button on the desired item in the
resulting drop down menu.
You can also click-and-hold the left button down until
the pointer is on the desired selection and release.
Point the mouse at the desired key and click the left
button. You will get the same results as pressing a
Windows: Page 14
MOUSE: Click-and-hold anywhere on the windows title
bar. Drag to the desired location and release
the button.
KEYBRD: Press <CTRL+M> and use the arrow keys to move
the window to the desired location. Press
<ENTER> to confirm or <ESC> to cancel.
MOUSE: Click-and-hold the "resize box" located in the
lower right corner of the window. Drag until
desired size and release button.
KEYBRD: Press <CTRL+R> and use the arrow keys to resize
the window. Press <ENTER> to confirm or <ESC>
to cancel.
MOUSE: Click on the "Zoom Box" located in the top right
corner of the window. The window will enlarge to
its maximum size. Click the box again to UnZoom.
KEYBRD: Press <CTRL+Z> to zoom the current window. Press
<CTRL+Z> again to unzoom.
NOTE: A zoomed window is not resizable. All other
functions are available.
MOUSE: Click on the "Close Box" located in the top left
corner of the window.
MOUSE: Double-click on a Drive Icon or a folder.
KEYBRD: FROM DRIVES: Press <CRTL+V>, use arrow keys to
select. Press <ENTER> to confirm or <ESC> to
FROM FOLDER: Press <CTRL+O>, use arrow keys to
select. Press <ENTER> to confirm or <ESC> to
Disk Functions: Page 15
1. Type the source drive letter in the first box.
2. Press <TAB>
3. Type the destination drive letter in the 2nd. box.
4. Press <ENTER>
1. Type the drive letter in the prompt box, or Press
the <DOWN ARROW> key to select another drive.
2. Press the <TAB> key.
3. use the <SHIFT+ARROW> keys to select disk type.
4. Press <ENTER> to format or <ESC> to abort.
When formatting is complete press <ESC> to close
system window.
This dialog box displays the characteristics of your
system reported by DOS and the ROM BIOS.
1. Using wildcards, type the file specs to display in
the current window.
EXAMPLE: "*.*" "*.exe" "*.com" etc...
Help Page 16
Most of the help information is for the dialog boxes.
You can get help on them by using the arrow keys or
by typing <ALT+H> in the dialog box. Or you can
point and click on the help button with a mouse.
For help on topics other than using the dialog boxes
select Help Index from the help menu.
The Help Index provides information on using the mouse,
windows, the desktop, the menu system and keyboard
commands in various modes of operation.
--------------- END ---------------